Things no one tells you about changing your name

While more brides are opting not to change their name when they get married, a large number are still taking the plunge and picking up their other half’s surname. If you’re thinking about making the switch, here, we share the things no one probably tells you about changing your name.

There’s an official and unofficial way to do it

As soon as the ring is on, everyone will be calling you by your name, which is perfect, because it definitely takes some time to get used to. Using your new surname from the get go is completely fine, however, if you’re planning on using it on official documents such as your driver’s license and bank account, you’ll need to present your marriage certificate to do so.

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You’ll find new places that it needs changed

Even after a couple of years, you’ll still receive letters in the post and realise your name needs changed. This list is a good place to start:

  • Motor tax office
  • Passport office
  • Revenue office
  • Bank
  • Building society
  • Doctor, dentist etc.
  • Your employer
  • Insurance company
  • Investments/pensions

If you discover any others, change them then and there to make the process as swift as possible.

You’ll probably receive your wedding album before your new passport

The process of changing your name is definitely a marathon and not a sprint. One of the things that will take the longest to change is your passport, so if you’re going on honeymoon straight after the wedding, be wise and stick with your original passport until you’re home.

Everyone will want to see your marriage certificate

Anyone official, that is. When changing your name, you’ll need to show or send off your marriage certificate to several people so make sure you get official copies. You’ll have to pay for these.

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Your new signature will be a scrawl

And you’ll probably write your ‘old’ name time and time again. Instead of beating yourself up about it, have fun practising your new signature.

Things no one tells you about changing your name

You might miss your doctor’s appointment

Just as it will take time writing your new name, it’ll be a while before you get used to hearing it. At some stage, you’ll probably be sitting in a waiting room, while someone repeatedly calls your name. Eventually, you’ll jump up as the realisation hits that they’re actually talking to you. People will stare. You’ll laugh it off.

It’s a great excuse to monogram everything

For many, a new surname calls for new initials, which presents the perfect opportunity to get them engraved EVERYWHERE! This means out with the old and in with the new as you upgrade tote bags, jewellery, stationery, luggage tags, towels- you get the picture…

Your identity might be questioned

As not every form of identification will be changed at the same time, you may find your identity questioned. Picking up a parcel at the delivery office is a prime example. You ordered it in your married name but your ID is still in your maiden name. Make sure you keep a copy of your marriage certificate on you at all times to overcome this hurdle.

While changing your name after marriage can seem like a bit of a mission, our advice is to do it swiftly so that you can stay in your newlywed bliss as long as possible.

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