Wedding Day Interview: Suzy & Graham’s Tudor Barn Wedding

I love looking back at previous weddings and as they recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary, I thought it was the perfect time to catch up with Suzy and Graham whose Tudor Barn wedding was spectacular from start to finish. Here, they share how they met and reflect on their special day.

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So Suzy & Graham, how did you meet?

We met via Tinder. We had our first date in a pub near our respective workplaces, then went to a dance class together and it all kicked off from there!

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And what about that proposal?

Graham went to a lot of effort to make it a complete surprise. I was having a cup of tea and Graham had been getting the washing in. Then he just appeared and asked me to close my eyes before producing the ring. Then he managed (very awkwardly) to articulate a proposal, which was readily accepted.  Surprise achieved!

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When and where did you get married?

We were married at the Tudor Barn in Eltham on the 9th of April 2016, where we held both the ceremony and reception.

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Did you have a theme for your wedding day?

We decided on a spring theme and kept everything light and casual.

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Suzy, tell us how you chose your wedding dress?

While I didn’t have a particular style in mind I knew I didn’t want a lace dress or a ball gown and I didn’t want too much bling either. The dressmaker asked what theme I was going for and in a panic I said “Rustic-city-chic”. I still don’t really know what that is! In the end the dress I chose not only reflects my personality but also fitted with the venue perfectly.

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Who did you have as your bridesmaids?

My sister Melanie and best friend Miriam were my bridesmaids. We went to Coast to buy their dresses and chose a light pink short dress with a faux-fur wrap in case it was cold.

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What did you love the most about wedding planning?

We loved how easy The Tudor Barn made everything. They were the only venue we looked at that were completely up front and concise about wedding package options. They made the whole process very straight forward and easy as everything was included. The best part was of course the menu tastings!

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What 3 top tips would you offer other brides?

  1. Keep it simple – there are lots of temptations to blow the budget unnecessarily.
  2. The most important thing is to surround yourself with people you love and keep them well fed and watered!
  3. Choose a venue that fits your personality.

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How did you decide on Marc as your wedding photographer?

We liked that Marc is a very personable guy who blends in well with the guests and puts everyone at ease. He gave us some good instructions at the pre-wedding shoot and made the whole process good fun.


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